Lenda Guarantee

We want your experience with Lenda to be the best it can be, and we are committed to making it that way at all times.

At Lenda, we take pride in our commitment not only to excellence in the quality of our recipes, but also to the complete satisfaction of our customers. That's why we back up our dedication with a solid money-back guarantee, providing peace of mind that your experience with our recipes is backed by a genuine commitment to the well-being of your dog or cat.

We know that every animal is unique, and sometimes food preferences may vary. That's why , if you decide to try one of our delicious recipes and discover that your dog or cat won't eat it or doesn't tolerate it properly, we're here to offer you flexible solutions . With our guarantee, we give you the option to change the recipe for another reference that better suits your furry friend's preferences or, if you prefer, request a refund (*).

How does the Lenda Guarantee work?


🔗 More information about the Lenda Guarantee

* Whether for purchases on Lenda.Shop within 10 days of purchase.

Please include your order number when submitting the contact form.

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All our foods have the Lenda Guarantee